Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Kontron PhD CIFRE thesis

Participants : Mohamed Bergach, Robert de Simone.

Kontron Toulon (formerly Thales Computers) has a strong interest in finding optimal (or at least efficient) mapping of applications extensively based on FFT computations (mostly radar detection), onto GPGPU architectures of the Intel IvyBridge/Haswell family (that ar ethen integrated into avionic subsystems at Kontron). This is the main topic of Mohamed Bergach PhD thesis, which should be defended in late Spring 2015. A publication is under submission.

Airbus PhD CIFRE thesis

Participants : Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Cristian Maxim.

As part of a larger collaborative programme between Inria and Airbus, the PhD thesis of Cristian Maxim has started in March 2014. This thesis will propose a methodology for obtaining probabilistic worst-case execution times distributions by characterizing the appropriate properties of Airbus applications and platforms. This first year is dedicated to the familiarization of Cristian Maxim to the Airbus applications and platforms.

Astrium/CNES PostDoc

The objective of our collaboration with Airbus Defence and Space and the CNES is to determine how the design and implementation of embedded software and system/network configuration can be largely automated in an aerospace context. The objective is to reduce the design and validation costs (especially in case of system evolutions), while preserving an assurance level superior to that of the Ariane 5 flight program. We are exploring automation of the real-time allocation, scheduling, and code generation using the novel algorithms developed and implemented in the Lopht tool. The application of such techniques also requires extensions at the level of system specification formalisms. This collaboration has funded the post-doctoral period of Raul Gorcitz (started in September 2013, reconducted for one year).